Q1. Compile the ICU cohort in Practice 2 Q8 from the PostgreSQL database mimiciv.

Below is an outline of steps.


Connect to database mimiciv. We are going to use username postgres with password postgres to access the mimiciv database.

# Load configuration settings first
# Connect to the database using the configuration settings
(con <- dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(), 
                  dbname = dbname, 
                  user = user, 
                  password = password))


List all schemas in the mimiciv database.


List tables in the mimiciv database:


List schemas and tables in the mimiciv database (bash command).

psql -U postgres -d mimiciv -c "\dt *."


Connect to the icustays table. Note how to use Id() to specify the schema containing the table.

icustays_tble <- tbl(con, Id(schema = "mimic_icu", table = "icustays")) %>%
  print(width = Inf)


Connect to the patients table.

patients_tble <- tbl(con, Id(schema = "mimic_core", table = "patients")) %>%
  print(width = Inf)


Connect to the admissions table.

admissions_tble <- tbl(con, Id(schema = "mimic_core", table = "admissions")) %>%
  print(width = Inf)


Connect to the mimic_labevents_icu table.

labevents_tble <- tbl(con, Id(schema = "public", 
                              table = "mimic_labevents_icu")) %>%
  print(width = Inf)


Connect to mimic_chartevents_icu table.

chartevents_tble <- tbl(con, Id(schema = "public", 
                              table = "mimic_chartevents_icu")) %>%
  print(width = Inf)


Put things together. Using one chain of pipes %>% to perform following data wrangling steps: (i) keep only the first ICU stay of each unique patient, (ii) merge in admissions and patients tables, (iii) keep adults only (age at admission >= 18), (iv) merge in the labevents and chartevents tables, (v) display the SQL query, (vi) collect SQL query result into memory as a tibble, (vii) create an indicator for 30-day mortality, (viii) save the final tibble to an icu_cohort.rds R data file in the mimiciv_shiny folder.

# make a directory mimiciv_shiny
if (!dir.exists("mimiciv_shiny")) {
which(duplicated(labevents_tble %>% 
                   select(subject_id, hadm_id) %>% 
                   collect()) == TRUE) %>% length
which(duplicated(chartevents_tble %>% 
                   select(subject_id, hadm_id) %>% 
                   collect()) == TRUE) %>% length

After a quick check, we found that there are some patients have more than one record at a single time point (duplicated resords). Thus, we need to only keep one record

icustays_tble %>%
  # keep only the first ICU stay of each unique patient
  group_by(subject_id) %>% 
  filter(rank(intime) == 1) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  # merge in admissions and patients tables
  left_join(patients_tble, by = c("subject_id")) %>%
  left_join(admissions_tble, by = c("subject_id", "hadm_id")) %>%
  # keep adults only (age at admission >= 18)
  mutate(age_at_adm = year(admittime) - anchor_year + anchor_age) %>%
  filter(age_at_adm >= 18) %>%
  # merge in the labevents and chartevents tables
  left_join(labevents_tble, by = c("subject_id", "hadm_id")) %>%
  left_join(chartevents_tble, by = c("subject_id", "hadm_id")) %>%
  # display the SQL query
  show_query() %>%
  # collect SQL query result into memory as a tibble
  collect() %>% 
  # delete duplicate row
  group_by(subject_id) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  # create an indicator for 30-day mortality
  mutate(death_30 = ifelse((deathtime - admittime)/(60*24) <= 30,
                           "Yes", "No")) %>%
            function(x){ifelse(is.na(x) == TRUE, "No", x)}) %>%
  # save the final tibble
  saveRDS(file = "./mimiciv_shiny/icu_cohort.rds")

Close database connection and clear workspace.

rm(list = ls())

Q2. Shiny app

Develop a Shiny app for exploring the ICU cohort data created in Q1. The app should reside in the mimiciv_shiny folder. The app should provide easy access to the graphical and numerical summaries of variables (demographics, lab measurements, vitals) in the ICU cohort.

solution: Please refer to: https://zianzhuang.shinyapps.io/mimiciv_shiny/